October 2021: Edinburgh: St James Quarter

The former St James shopping centre, closed in 2016, was a creation of the 1970s. Although I remember finding it somewhat claustrophobic, the place always seemed busy enough any time I visited. Attached to the old shopping centre were an unremarkable hotel and New St Andrew’s House, the latter being home to government offices. This part of the overall assembly was especially hideous – a despised, brutalist eyesore in the heart of a city celebrated for its wealth of gracious architecture. Few tears were shed when it was announced that the entire complex would be demolished to make way for a brand new St James Quarter.

The new galleria-style retail space opened in early summer, 2021. It is notable for the way in which it seems to blur the distinction between indoors and outdoors, and for its concentrations of high-end shops and quality eateries. Although it is not yet open, the complex also contains a striking new hotel, with highly distinctive ribbon cladding. This soon attracted the (strictly unofficial) nickname The Walnut Whip.